

Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011


bees: Today Ann's homestay dad took me, Ann and her two homestay sisters to Moeraki, where we had a great time at the Moeraki Boulders. Those are stones that were shaped like dinosaur eggs by the sea. You can actually climb into those stones. It is so beautiful out there, a great opportunity to take some really nice photos. As we walked along the beach we saw whales swimming in the sea. That was amazing, I've never seen a whale before and  those ones we didn't even see through a set up whale watching trip but just like that. It was awesome. Before we went back to Dunedin Ann's homestay dad gave us all a piece of cake. Ours was  banana chocolate cake and I chose the piece with the most chocolate icing (naughty:))

Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011

My week

Anne: I want to tell you a bit about my week. School went to the end, so that wasn't too interesting.
But there were quite a few events at home. First of all did my big host-brother bring a deg home he bought when he was at a farm last week. Now he has two dogs and a turtle and there are three dogs, a turtle, a cat and a fish at home now. His new dog is a border collie mixed with a golden retriever (he looks like a mix between Anton and Stella). He is probably one year old, what we don't know because his old family didn't tell the birth date and his name is Rusty.
On Sunday I had my farewell dinner with my host-family already because they have quite a lot to do with "Gang Show" the next two weeks. That's a show which takes place every two years in Dunedin and one of my host-sisters is in it. I went and helped my host-mum sewing the costumes a few times.
However the next two weeks will be very busy at home.
Now we just have nine days left, tomorrow is our last day at school. That's so sad. But I'm also looking forward to seeing you all again!

Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011


Krissy: hey guys, well, today Jule, Sophia and I went to the Moeraki Boulders which is in the north of Dunedin and it takes 1 hour to get there. The Moreaki Boulders are stones, which are formed like balls, it looks pretty awesome:) Of course we took a lot of pictures with them. Fortunately it was sunny but too cold, well, its winter...:) Anyway, we stayed there for about 3 hours and went back to Dunedin later, where we went to the Boldwin Street and bought a certificate, which says that we walked up the street!

Montag, 4. Juli 2011

Stewart Island

Sophia: Last week, I went with Lena, Katharina and Jule to Stewart Island for a week. It was really amazing. We stayed on a sailing boat called the Elwing and then we sailed from bay to bay for 5 days. We often went on land and walked right through the bush away from the tramping ways. Then we went snorkling and kayaking. In the evening, we always wrote into our Logbooks and we got a hot chocolate from our skipper :)
On our last day, we made a camp fire in the bush and we cooked stuff like mussels which we collected the day before. Then  we went back to the beach, but it was totally dark and we had just two torches for 10 people. It was quiet funny :-) In the same night, we had to do a "nightwatch". Everyone had a turn to sit outside alone and watch the boat, because the skipper was afraid that the boat might drift into the shore. I was lucky, because I just had to stay up from 11 p.m. until 12 p.m. but other people had to get up two o'clock in the night :)
Anyway, the trip was awesome! I simply love the nature on Stewart Island. Everything is so green and untouched. So here are some pictures to share the beauty with you ;)

All of us on a rock :)

The amazing view from one of the lockout points!!

More of the amazing view :)

The land of the glowing lights (the Maori name for Stewart Island)

Samstag, 2. Juli 2011


Anne: Hey guys, after a long time you hear from me again! Today my host-dad took my hos-tbrother, my host-sister and her boyfriend off-road-driving at the beach. Because I sat in the front when we got there I was the first one to drive. I´ve never done it before and actually the school doesn´t allow us to drive :) But my host-dad said I wouldn´t have to tell them, so I just did it. It was awesome!!!! I really enjoyed it!!! My host-sister was second and my host-brother third. We all had two goes. My host-sisters boyfriend already has his licence, here you can get them when you´re 15. So he didn´t have a go and just watched and took pictures.