

Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2011

Maths test and tennis competition

Katy: Today we had our very first Maths test. But it wasn't very exiting because everybody saw this test before and we had more than enough time to find the answers. In school we had a food party in our Tutor group as well. This means we al had to bring eating staff and than ate. Tutor group is something like sitting in a room and do nothing before lunch time. Ok the most time you do nothing but when we do presentation introdutions and even food partys.After school me and Katharina had a tennis competition but we had to play against someone who has never played before so it wasn't so difficult to win. It was really interesting because the one we played against, could speak a litle bit german because her parents are both germans although she has never been in Germany.
Here is another picture for you guys:

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hallo Parttime-Neuseeländer, es macht uns großen Spaß, jeden Morgen auf eurem Blog nachzusehen, ob ihr Neues eingestellt habt.
    Die Bilder sind eine schöne Bereicherung, insbesondere das "Startbild" "bringt" uns jetzt jeden Morgen direkt nach Dunedin. Weiter so!
    Und weiterhin allen ganz viel Spaß und tolle Erfahrungen! Klaus und Claudia
